Safety Policies

We ask that all visitors to the gym observe the following policies, in order to maintain the safety and comfort of everyone in the gym:

This is our opportunity to ensure everyone has a valid waiver in place, as well as check for expired memberships or punch cards. Sometimes there is an alert or important notice attached to your file, and your check-in brings these to our attention. This also helps us maintain accurate records of the traffic in the gym.

Children under 13 must be supervised by adults.

We require 1:1 supervision for kids under 4 (within arm’s reach at all times), and 2:1 supervision for kids 4-12 (within view and close enough to communicate without yelling). 

If it is not obvious to our staff who is supervising a child, they are not being watched closely enough! Please ensure your kids observe these policies. Children who are out of control are a danger to themselves, and a distraction to others.

Before climbing, please visit our front desk to go through an orientation or test. Each discipline of climbing carries its own set of risks and it is important that each of our guests demonstrates a thorough understanding of safety procedures before climbing.

Please note that our staff may revoke belay certifications at their discretion. In general, we may take away a belayer’s certification if they do anything that would fail our belay test(s), including anything that places their climber, other visitors or themselves in avoidable danger.

If you are running, you do not have enough time to watch out for hazards, such as climbers who are falling or being lowered.
We all want to cheer on our friends and help them get to the top, but too much noise makes it hard for a belayer to communicate with their climber, and may also disturb others.
A swinging Grigri can hurt a person, and can also cause damage if it smashes into the wall.
These are advanced areas that can be dangerous for young climbers. We make exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis for youth climbers enrolled in our youth programs and youth competitors accompanied by accredited coaches.

This includes:

  • Weightlifting area (black rubber tiled floor)
  • Training area (red mats)
  • System board
  • Hangboards and bars
  • Campus board
  • Moon Board
  • Weights and other weightlifting equipment
  • Rope ladders
  • Gymnastic rings
  • Rowing machine
  • Stationary bike

We make exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis for staff and youth climbers enrolled in of our youth programs.

This means you may not teach your friend how to belay. This is important to keep our insurance company and lawyer happy, and is intended to maintain a consistently high standard of safety. Exceptions to this policy are made on a case-by-case basis only for qualified professionals who have a formal arrangement with True North Climbing and provide proof of sufficient insurance coverage of their own.

In order to ensure the comfort of our customers and minimize bare-skin contact with our mats and other equipment, please wear a top at all times while at the gym and refrain from going barefoot. Sports bras are permitted.

Large amounts of loose chalk affect air quality in the gym, and make it more difficult to keep the padding clean.
Drinks get spilled, food gets ground in, and we want to keep the padding clean. No chewing gum please.
Please keep your belongings in a locker or cubby. Locks are available at the front desk. Bags, etc. become a tripping hazard and make it difficult to get around the gym, especially on busy days.
True North Climbing is a family friendly environment.
In order to ensure the safety of all participants, we have a zero tolerance policy: no climbing or belaying is ever permitted under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs. If our staff have reason to believe you have used any intoxicating substance, you will be asked to leave.

Handheld devices such as cell phones are a very dangerous distraction. Please remember that your focus should be on your climber at all times while belaying (or supervising youths using the auto belays).

Business Policies

In order to keep our growing business running smoothly, and out of respect for all of our customers and employees, please note the following policies:

Many of our services, including all lessons and all group events, require advance booking to ensure you can receive the service you want at the time you prefer. There are times when it is possible to walk in and book a lesson without advance notice, but we are often booked to capacity, especially on weekends and holidays. Booking in advance allows us to manage our staffing schedule, and helps us serve you better.

  • Introductory lessons should be booked a day or more in advance. The more people in your group, the more advance notice may be required.
  • Birthday parties, day camp, school, youth and corporate groups should be booked at least 2 weeks in advance. Large groups (more than 20 people) may require more advance notice to arrange sufficient staff.
  • Lead Classes are organized one at a time based on the availability of those on the waiting list and our instructors.

A deposit of $125 per 10 participants is required for all group events when they are booked. You will receive an invoice for the number of people booked; payment of the balance is required on arrival at your event. Day damp, youth rec program classes and lead climbing classes must be paid in full when they are booked, because every booking for these programs affects our staffing.

Our facility is often busy, and a delay in one event can potentially affect other customers scheduled later in the day. Please arrive early enough to be ready to start your event at the scheduled time, allowing time for transportation, signing in and paying any balance outstanding, and processing of waiver forms as required. If you arrive late for your event, you may lose some of the time allocated. If you are late for a lesson you may be bumped to the next available time slot, or to another day if all following time slots are fully booked.

Your event can be canceled and your payment refunded in full if you notify us at least 1 week before the start of your event. While we will do our best to adapt to changing needs, cancellation or rescheduling with less than 1 week’s notice may result in the forfeit of your deposit or payment.

For group events, we plan our staffing based on the number of participants you confirm with us in advance. If you bring more people than planned we may not be able to accommodate your entire group. If you bring fewer people than planned you will still be expected to pay in full for the number of people booked, since we will have booked staff based on your expected number. If some members of your group are not fully prepared to participate (including missing or incomplete waiver forms for children under 18) you will still be expected to pay in full for the number of participants booked. We are unable to offer refunds or reduce the amount owing in these cases.

For youth rec program classes and lead climbing classes that involve multiple sessions, there are no refunds available for missed sessions.

Payment is expected on arrival, or when a product (e.g. food) is obtained. Please do not ask our staff to pay at the end of your visit, or to run a tab. This is difficult to keep track of, especially as our staff changes over throughout the course of each day. There is an exception to this: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Annual members may have purchases posted to their account to be paid along with their next month’s dues, when there is a Manager on duty.
The policies described are necessary as part of the operation of a busy facility. We hope you understand the reasons behind them. Our goal is for every customer to have a great time every visit. If you have any concerns or complaints about our facility or the service you receive, please bring them to the attention of our staff. Should you not be completely satisfied after discussing your issue with a staff member, please contact the gym’s owner, John Gross by email at john@truenorthclimbing.com